Top 10 Best Surf Wax | Reviews (Sticky Bumps, Palmers)

There are about 23 million surfers around the globe. If you are also a surfer, regardless of your expertise level, the most common thing you must have heard or seen the other surfers do is waxing their board. No, this is not the regular waxing that one gets done at a salon. Waxing your boards is what will keep you on your board in the waters. Not correctly waxing can throw you in the waters in a matter of few seconds.

Surf wax is applied on boards for getting proper traction in the waters and for getting a stronger grip on the board. Both of these aspects are the most important things to take care of when surfing. Surf wax acts as a protective layer on your surfing boards, which prevents you from falling off when surfing on a water wave. These waxes are not too expensive and essential even if you want to take up surfing as a hobby.

Surf wax is essential for your safety, and using one will let you enjoy this sport. No matter if you are an amateur or an experienced surfer, knowing which wax suits your needs best is an added benefit in the long term.

The Best Surf Wax List

We have compiled a list of the top ten surf wax available in the market based on various aspects. To narrow down your choice, we have mentioned the pros, cons, and highlighted the best features of the wax as well. Hoping you can choose your fit effortlessly.

These are the current best surf wax available in the market. Read on to know why exactly all surfers around the globe seem to use them.

  1. Sticky Bumps Original Board Surf Wax
  2. Zogs Original Sexwax
  3. Mrs. Palmers Tropical Surfboard Surf Wax
  4. Double Barrel Surf Wax
  5. Matuna’s Surf Wax
  6. Bubble Gum Surf Wax
  7. Famous Surf Wax
  8. Outdoor Wax Works’ Gripping Surf Wax
  9. Maria’s Eco Surf Wax
  10. Fu Wax

Let us go over each surf wax in detail, to help you pick the right wax for your surfboards. All these wax are available for different water temperatures, but not all are available for every water temperature. Please check if your preferred wax comes in the water temperature you need.

#1. Sticky Bumps Original Surf Wax

This surf wax is worth your money. Get this wax if you are looking to gain some traction while surfing.

Sticky Bumps mastered the Snag and Grab technology in 1992 and revolutionized the surf wax industry. Their wax contains a special additive which when rubbed across the board, builds small yet sticky bumps on it. This creates a rough surface on the smooth surfboard creating ridges that give a stronger grip to stand. The bumps are soft yet firm to let you balance on the board easily.

This wax is also an eco-friendly product. The company does not waste any product during its manufacture. Once you have bought the product, everything that you get is recyclable. Even the wax itself is biodegradable.


  • The wax biodegrades in the water by emulsifying and causes no damage to the environment.
  • The blueberry bubblegum scented wax is to die for, and people across the globe buy this wax solely for the smell, making it the most loved wax in the market.
  • Lastly, this wax was developed by surfers. So you can be sure that your product is not only tried and tested but highly dependable because who would know the surfing waters better than a surfer.
  • Their product line consists of 14 different surfing waxes for different climates, different water temperatures.
Excellent scents available for every water temperature wax type
We got nothin'
One of a kind – Snag and Grab technology
Environmental friendly
Developed by surfers
Easy to apply

#2. Zogs Original Sexwax

Marketed and famous with a very eye-catchy name, Mr. Zogs original sex wax is the brainchild of Frederick Charles Herzog (popularly called Mr.Zog), a surfer and his chemist friend Nate Skinner. Developed in 1972 it has continued to be one of the most sought after surf wax brands in the USA. The unique name of the wax was given to it by an artist called Hank Picther who designed the logo and was a friend of Mr. Zog. He not only gave it the name but also designed its logo, which is being used to this day. The name of the wax was initially a reason why shops would not stock this product, but after being recommended by surfers, it became an instant hit.


  • The wax is smoother than most other brands available in the market. Due to this, it is used in other activities like ice-hockey, hoops, sword dancing as well.
  • The first line of products was continuously tested to perfection by Mr. Zog himself, who was an ace surfer in his days.
  • The smoothness of the wax makes it the best choice for a base coat or topcoat.
  • It provides a firm grip to any surface it is applied to.
  • Their products are available in Original wax surf, Quick humps, really tacky and Navel wax.
  • There are products available for every water temperature that is warm, cool, cold, and tropical.
  • Four flavors available in all four water temperatures: Coconut, Grape, Pineapple, and strawberry
Can survive hot temperatures to a good extent
Melts away from the board after a few hours
Works wonders in warm water
Loses its shape if kept directly under the sun
Smooth wax
Lasts long

#3. Palmer’s Surf Wax

This is your solution to surfing in tropical climates. Mrs. Palmer’s Tropical Surfboard Surf wax is made in the country filled with surfers, Australia. Australia is known for its tropical climate which in other parts of the world, not the best weather to surf. But Mrs. Palmer’s wax is designed keeping in mind the hot water temperatures in areas like these. If you plan on surfing in tropical climate any time soon, be sure to pack this wax in your surfing kit to enjoy to the fullest.


  • This wax contains a traction additive that sets this surf wax apart from the regular surfing waxes for two main reasons: Stick factor and long-lasting.
  • One of the most essential features that surfers look for in wax is the long-lasting nature. Once you have applied Mrs. Palmer’s tropical surfboard surf wax on your surfboards, you can forget about getting back on the shores and enjoy surfing the entire day. This wax lasts longer than any other wax on the market.
  • The wax is ultra-sticky and provides amazing traction on the board while surfing.
  • Once applied to the board, you do not have to worry about slipping off the board.
  • Smoother bumps are created on the board that does not irritate sensitive skin, which results in rashes.
Specially made for tropical climatesCannot be used in cool or cold water temperatures
Arrives fresh from the factory
Amazing traction

#4. Double Barrel Surf Wax

The manufacturing company, Santa Barbara, defines its surf wax as a “wax so nice you will get barrelled twice.” The Double barrel surf wax is handmade with excellent craftsmanship in California, USA. It is a high-quality surf wax great made for warm, cool, and cold water temperatures.

The wax is made by keeping the environment at the highest priority. The company has ensured that the creation and use of the wax are environmentally friendly.

If you are an amateur surfer looking to brush up on your surfing skills, the double-barrel surf wax is your cheapest and best option.


  • Regardless of the weather conditions, this wax offers great traction and gives you a good grip on your surfboard.
  • The wax is made with hand, and the company aims to be environment-friendly with this product. The wastage in manufacturing this surf wax is zero, and it is designed to have an almost negligible effect on the environment. The wax gets absorbed in the water and causes no adverse impact to the water, making it an excellent ecological option.
  • It has a classic coconut scent to it which reminds you instantly of beaches.
  • The wax can easily last for a two-hour session in the waters and is sticky enough to work for a longer time.
  • It can be applied alone or with a basecoat.
Smaller size helps in easy applicationNot for professional surfers
Provides good traction
Suitable for warm and cold water
Lasts longer
Firm grip

#5. Matuna’s Surf Wax

Most surf wax is made of paraffin, which does not dissolve in water, but Matuna’s surf wax is 100% organic, natural and biodegradable wax. All the ingredients used in making this surf wax are naturally grown on the Matoon family farm. Beeswax, clay, raspberry, jasmine, coconut oil, honey, and aloe are used in different combinations in raw and pure forms. Even its packaging is made from recycled paper and soy ink.

Just because it is made out of natural ingredients, its performance cannot be questioned. It is on par with its competitors in all aspects.


  • Manufactured keeping Earth in mind: It is the only non-toxic, environment-friendly wax free of petroleum and biodegradable.
  • The wax is made of 100% natural ingredients, causing zero harm to any living organism.
  • This high-quality surf wax is very easy to apply to a surfboard. This minimizes the time required to prep the surf board.
  • It lasts for more than a 4-hour session with just one application.
  • It is softer than the other surf wax but provides a firm grip
  • Available for warm, cool, cold and tropical water temperatures
  • Also available as a basecoat
Environment-friendlyCan be too soft for tropical weather conditions
Lasts longer
High quality

#6. Bubble Gum Surf Wax

Invented in 1984 in a kitchen on a summer day, Brint Galland, the mastermind of Bubble gum surf wax threw magic in the surfing industry. He, along with his brother, wanted to take his passion for surfing to another level. They wanted people to remember an relive their childhood while enjoying their love for surfing.

The whole point of Bubble Gum Surf Wax was to make a wax that looked, smelled, and felt like bubble gums. Ever since its launch in the market, surfers have gone crazy with this product and are choosing it over all other rivals.

If you need to show off and become the talk of the town, you can buy this surf wax to stay in the center of attraction among your surfer friends.


  • It is a unique wax that looks like bubble gum. It changes the color from pink to white when applied on the surfboard.
  • When you buy a pack of Bubble Gum Surf Wax, you also get a wax comb, a piece of bubble gum, a sticker and a flyer along.
  • It is available in all water temperatures: hot, warm, cool, and cold.
  • There is also an all-temperature base coat available
  • It has a long-lasting grip
Wax comb is an added benefit every time you buy the product
Only available in one scent which might not be preferred by everyone
Lasts well enough during surfing
Available for any water temperature
Unique wax

#7. Famous Surf Wax

This brand was found in 2002 by a group of friends who shared the same passion for creating quality products. It is a clear wax that can be used easily on any surfing board. Their initial product was a premiere surf wax which is a popular choice even today. As the brand has evolved, they have provided a lot of quality surfing accessories to the world with the only motto to make you “#LiveFamous.”

They also have a series of Famous Green Surf Wax, which is their line of eco-friendly, organic and biodegradable surf wax. It is made of natural ingredients which are non-toxic and earth-friendly ingredients. Even the packaging is made under a green label and using soy ink. However, these products do not blend well with other wax. So it is recommended to use their Green label basecoat for Green surf wax.


  • It is a clear wax that can be added on top of any surfing board.
  • It gives a luminous finish to the surfboard.
  • When applied on the board, a beady texture is built on the board which can be molded to fit your needs
  • The wax is sticky and tacky providing a firm grip while surfing in waters
  • Provides amazing performance in rough seas
  • The wax has an additive for inhibiting UV rays which prevent premature fading of the wax.
  • This surf wax is available for all four water temperatures: warm, cold, cool and tropical
  • Basecoat is also available
Retains beauty of your surfboard
Green label products work well only with green label basecoat
Easily mouldable after application
Comes with a wax comb
Superior stickiness
UV inhibitor

#8. Outdoor Wax Works’ Surf Wax

With their versatile and 100% natural formula, the Outdoor Wax Works’ Surf Wax is not only great for surfboards but is also an excellent way to add a secure grip to any board or paddle that you own. Other brands of surf wax in the markets use paraffin, whereas the outdoor wax works surf wax is made of natural ingredients. The product is incredible as it is made up of only two components.

If you are looking for a surf wax that gives you nothing but a better grip on your boards, kayak, paddles, or anything that is used in the waters, this wax is made for you. It is known to be one of the longest-lasting waxes in the market. It is highly popular for letting the surfers maintain good traction and keep their feet firmly stuck on the board. The wax is just sticky enough to repel water and not too sticky to make the board slippery.


  • A 100% natural and environment-friendly surfing wax with no harm to the ecological balance in the water
  • The wax is shaped like a puck for more straightforward application
  • They do not use any additives or scents for being eco-friendly in the oceans
  • The wax bumps on the board give a sticky grip for traction
  • Available for all kinds of water temperatures
Does not melt in sweltering climates
Does not have any scent and variety
Natural product
Good grip

#9. Maria’s Eco Surf Wax

This is one of our most favorite brand stories to share. Founded by a 9-year old boy named Brooklyn from Puerto Rico, this story of this surf wax is an inspiration. A skateboarder by hobby, Brooklyn wanted to help Puerto Rico revive after Hurricane Maria hit and made catastrophic effects on the city. Using his Ipad, charged from car batteries, he researched a lot on the internet about surf wax. He was disappointed to see how the top brands had a very negative impact on the environment.

He wanted to develop a surf wax that did not harm the oceans and also donate a portion of his earnings to various Hurricane Maria relief funds.

Each bar made up of ingredients that are grown and manufactured on an organic farm. The packaging is also made from 100% recycled paper, and natural dyes are used for the ink used on packaging.


  • This surf wax is vegan, organic and made from natural ingredients
  • The organic plant oils used in the product are biodegradable, non-toxic, sustainable and renewable
  • Farmed mineral clays are used which are petrochemical free, non-toxic and biodegradable
  • They use organic plant resins which are non-synthetic, biodegradable, renewable, non-toxic and sustainable
  • For scents and colors, they use fruit fragrances and organic berries
  • Currently, a limited edition for tropical water temperature is available along with cool water temperature
100% natural and does not leave a carbon footprint
Made for a good cause
Not available for all water temperatures
Made for a good cause

#10. Fu Wax

A strange name for a surf wax but an inspiring story of innovation. Fu wax is a product that the top international surfers owe their titles to. This product is the result of Fuad Mansur’s passion and dedication to the sport. In the 1960’s Brazil did not have a lot of shops for buying a surfboard leave alone surf wax. This is when little Fuad and his brothers learned that they would have to make their own wax to surf. After waiting for 20 years and with tons of failed experiments Fuad was successful in accidentally creating a bar of wax that was sticky enough to give good results. With just 3 bars of wax, the 3 brothers drove to Patagonia to test their product. Fuad surfed until he was knocked down by hypothermia and while getting treated in the hospital for 2 days he developed the slogan for his new product ”Tack taken seriously.”


  • The “most perfect surf wax made” to date
  • You need to apply a basecoat on your board to create small bumps. Then rub the fu wax bar lightly on these bumps to cover them up. This creates the perfect surface for sticking your feet firmly and maintaining a stronger grip.
  • It is used by most top athletes and champions for surfing.
  • Available for 5 water temperatures: Tropical, warm, cool, cold and cool water of summer
Known as the best surf wax ever made
No basecoat available
Recommended by champions

Top pick: Sticky Bumps Original Surf Wax

After reviewing the best surfing wax available in the market, we are sure that the Sticky Bumps Original Surf Wax is our best pick. They are one of the longest-serving companies in the field of surf wax and have made excellent progress in terms of invention. Their snag and grab technology changed the entire game of the surfing industry.

The excellent and stronger grip is what a professional surfer is looking for in any surf wax product. And this product delivers just that. Not to forget that it is also an eco-friendly product. As a surfer, one is always concerned about the damages that surfing can cause to the oceans and the environment. Since the wax is biodegradable, it causes no harm to the environment. It is available in various scents and for all water temperatures. Their wide variety of product range shows how well they know the needs of every surfer and every condition possible.

  • Original
  • Basecoat
  • Cool– 58°F – 68°F
  • Cold– 60°F and below
  • Warm– 64°F – 74°F
  • Tour Series/ Warm-Tropical– Above 75°F
  • Tropical– Above 75°F
  • Hawaiian Formula– For extra hot water
  • Punt Bits– Extra sticky that keeps your feet stuck on the board when in the air, available 70°F & above, 70°F & below,
  • Munkey Wax– 5X stickier than the original wax formula – available for 69°F & above, 69°F & below
  • Day Glo– 80’s style colors – available for above 68°F, below 68°F
  • SUP Wax– Comes in Ultra Hard (all water temperatures), Hard (all water temperatures)
  • Bodyboard Wax– Available for below 68°F, above 69°F
  • Skimboard Wax– Available for above 69°F, below 68°F

Additional Accessories: Wax Combs

Don’t forget that you need a way of removing all these surf waxes from your surfboard. Most surf wax combs are pretty cheap and make it a lot easier to scrape and comb your wax in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it by yourself. We highly recommend Santa Barbara Surfing’s Surf Wax Comb or Wax Buddy’s Surf Wax Comb. Santa Barbara Surfing (SBS) is the same company that brought about the Double Barrel Surf Wax, so you can trust that their products are quality and well worth the investment.

Picking the Best Surf Wax

The temperature of the water plays a significant role in selecting the right surf wax. Though picking up a wax may sound like a straightforward thing to do, take care not to choose any without checking its temperature resistance capacity. Depending on the water temperature, a surf wax may or may not give you the required benefits.

Every wax is designed for specific water temperature. It can be used only within the specified water temperature range. Waxes for hot water cannot work well in cold waters.

Essentially there are five kinds of surf wax available based on its uses.

  • Basecoat: This wax serves as a base coat for your boards. All other waxes are applied over this. It is a hard wax and does not melt quickly.
  • Tropical: Water temperature above 75 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Warm: Water temperature between 64-74 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Cool: Water temperature between 58-68 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Cold: Water temperature below 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Choosing the right surf wax can be the only factor between you staying on board or falling from it while surfing. If you apply a warm surf wax on a hot tropical day, you will see the wax melt even before you have finished using it on the board. Every company has different wax for different water temperatures. The above-mentioned temperature range is only for reference. We recommend checking the product specifications for picking the correct wax as per the temperature in your area.

Once you know which temperature you are in, you can buy the wax that best suits your needs.

What to consider before buying surf wax

  • Water temperature: Before you even start choosing the right surf wax, it is highly recommended to check the water temperature you will be surfing in. It is the primary deciding factor when it comes to picking up the ideal surf wax that will work with the weather conditions around you. Depending on the water temperature is divided into five categories: Tropical (being the hottest), warm, cool, cold (being the coldest) and base coat(ideal for all kinds of weather).

Not every brand has surf wax for each water temperature range. So choosing the right wax can be tricky. An easy tip is to select a softer wax for colder waters and a harder wax for the hottest water.

  • Grip: Once you know which kind of wax you need, the next essential factor is the grip. The surf wax is used only to provide a stronger hold on the surfboard. Without a firm grip, you can stop dreaming about performing any tricks while surfing. Choose the one which helps you get the maximum grip on your surfboards.
  • Stickiness and Traction: Another vital expectation from the surf wax is to provide the right balance between stickiness and traction. The right wax should give you just about the right amount of stickiness to have a firm grip with your feet. And also give you enough room to maintain optimum traction over the waves. If it is too sticky, you will not be able to move over the waves. Few waxes are designed for providing maximum traction in cold waters or hot waters, so choose the one as per your needs.
  • Safety: Surf wax is also a way to provide protection and security to you when surfing on boards. No sport can be enjoyed with safety at risk. Low quality or cheap wax or using wrong wax can turn your life upside down. So invest in a safe surf wax.
  • Environment: Yes, you read it right. Consider the effects of the wax on your environment as well. Any surf wax is bound to be washed away in the water gradually. If the wax is made of harmful and toxic ingredients, it will cause harm to the ocean as well as the living creatures in it. The whole ecological balance can go for a toss over some time. Every step counts, so choose the product that causes minimum harm to the environment and still gives you what you expect from the surf wax.


Safety and ease, this is what can make your hobby into a carefree passion. Surf wax is one of the essential investments for a surfer. Whether you are a professional or a beginner, finding a wax that works well with your needs will help you practice and become an ace in surfing.

Surfing is not just about jumping in the water and riding the waves. It takes a lot of dedication and preparation before and after surfing. Waxing the board and then cleaning it regularly is important to maintain your board and up your surfing game.

You can pick one of the waxes from our list above and master the art of surfing. We also recommend trying different products apart from your regular ones to find the best product. Whichever you choose from our list, we guarantee that you will see a difference.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: How do I apply the surf wax to my board?

Applying wax on the surfboard is a very crucial task, and if not done correctly will not give you the desired results. So follow the steps carefully to avoid damaging your board and reap all the benefits of the surf wax.
– If applying surf wax for the first time, apply the basecoat evenly on the board first.
– Before the basecoat or a new layer of topcoat, clean the surfboard of any dirt. Washing it with clean water and drying it will work just fine.
– Whenever you are applying a topcoat, rub the wax in a circular motion to create uneven bumps once the board is filled with bumps you can rub the wax in any direction. The bumps ensure a firm grip on the board.

Q: When to add or remove wax from the board?

If you are slipping from the board in the water, it is an indication to add more wax to the board. However, you need to take care of the weight of the board. More wax will lead to a heavier board which can also accumulate unwanted dirt. When your board is heavier, you may also not be able to surf correctly and lose traction.
If you feel like you are losing traction, it is time to remove the wax from the board. Even when you want to do something else with your board, you will have to remove the wax.

Q: How to remove the wax from the board?

There are two ways to remove the wax from the board. The first one is to take some sand and rub it on the board. As the sand is coarse, it will remove the wax from the board. The second way is to use a wax comb. A nice wax comb will dig into the wax and remove it from the board. Using a wax comb can also leave small bumps on the board that can help you get good traction on the board. You can use both the techniques to remove the wax entirely or partially.

Q: Is a base coat essential for my surfboard?

We will not say that it is an absolute necessity, but it is recommended if you are a regular surfer. This is mainly because a base coat lasts longer than the top coat and you will need a lesser top coat. Another reason is the base coat can provide a permanent set of bumps on the board, which can be made more prominent using a topcoat. The base coat, however, also needs to be used again after a while.

Q: Do I need a wax comb?

Yes, a wax comb is essential while adding and removing the wax. It is used to spread the wax unevenly on the surfboard which creates bumps on the board. Wax combs are also used when you need to remove the wax from the board.

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